Mary C. Davis
Business & Inner Mastery Coach
Empowering Conscious Business Owners to Activate
Their Deepest Wisdom & Creativity for Success & Prosperity
Birthing the New Earth Economy Circle Video Recordings
A Free Monthly Manifestation Circle
for Coaches, Therapists, Wellness Professionals & Conscious Leaders & Entrepreneurs
"A 'new heaven' is the emergence of a transformed state of consciousness, and 'a new earth' is its reflection in the physical realm."
-- Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
Enjoy the replays of past Birthing the New Earth Economy Circles. Simply click the links below for the Circles you'd like to watch. ** Please respect confidentiality about what is shared in these video recordings. Thank you! **
Unhooking From Draining Pendulums to Activate Your Vision and the New Earth Economy
Releasing Old Programs and Planting Intentions for 2022
Developing and Deliberately Using Imagination in a Disciplined Way to Manifest Your Vision
Training Your Brain Waves: Producing an Optimal Brain Wave Pattern to Succeed With Ease
Working with the Three Departments of the Mind and Choosing/Anchoring Thoughts and Feelings
Reclaiming Your Energy and Focus: How to Navigate Energy Drains, Triggers and Distractions
Practicing Surrender: How to EmBODY Letting Go and Allowing Your Vision to Unfold
Cultivating Authentic Confidence, Trust and Poise, So You Can Shine and Prosper
Creating Your Own Personal Economy and Being Financially Free From the Inside-Out
Responding to Doubts and Fears, So You Can Fulfill Your Vision and Thrive
Attuning to Trust and Faith So You Can Grow and Prosper
Winter Solstice: Releasing Old Programs and Planting Intentions for 2023
Feeling Peaceful and Inspired About Goals and Expectations
Dissolving Resistance to Sharing Your Greatest Gifts and Taking Action on Your Highest Vision
Stabilizing and Centering Your Energy So You Can Serve and Evolve During Intense Times of Change
Developing Discernment and Your Inner Wisdom So You Can Live, Work and Prosper With Ease and Flow
Anchoring a Consciousness of Abundance, So You Can Live and Work With Contentment, Gratitude and Joy
Creating and Offering Your Work to the World With Pure Intention, So You Can Serve and Prosper
Shifting Your Identity So You Can Live and Work More Expansively and Prosper
Shifting Your Identity Part Two: Heal the World and Create Peace and Prosperity For Us All
Winter Solstice Circle 2023
Connecting With Your Intuitive Wisdom to Fulfill Your 2024 Intentions and Goals
Changing What's Calling to Be Changed in Your Life or Work, So You Can Thrive and Prosper
Transcending the Lack Resonance, So You Can Thrive and Prosper
Accessing the Buried Feelings You May Be Acting Out With Money, So You Can Thrive and Prosper
Creating the Vision and Work Your Heart is Guiding You to Create and Becoming More Visible With It