Mary C. Davis
Business & Inner Mastery Coach
Empowering Conscious Business Owners to Activate
Their Deepest Wisdom & Creativity for Success & Prosperity
Birthing the New Earth Economy

A Free Monthly Manifestation Circle
for Coaches, Therapists, Wellness Professionals & Conscious Leaders & Entrepreneurs
"A 'new heaven' is the emergence of a transformed state of consciousness, and 'a new earth' is its reflection in the physical realm."
-- Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
Many of us are feeling a calling to serve a Higher Purpose through our work and to be part of the creation of a more enlightened economy that embodies spiritual principles and values.
For this to happen, we know that it starts with our own healing, inner growth and spiritual evolution. We know that when we come together in community with the intention to grow and evolve, we leverage individual and collective transformation in ways that we can't leverage it on our own.
For that reason, I invite you to join us for this monthly online gathering, so you can:
tap into the power of using your imagination, brainwaves and "three departments of the mind" to sharpen/elevate your inner focus and co-create your economic reality and the New Earth economy from the inside-out;
gain clarity about your own prosperous vision and magnetize this vision into reality: you thriving in your work, while using your greatest gifts to serve humanity and the world;
clear patterning that may be keeping you from expressing your greatest gifts and thriving in your work and life;
activate and amplify feeling energies and create new neural pathways that will allow you to fulfil your prosperous vision, with more ease and joy;
help energize the collective new paradigm of peace and plenty for all in the world; and
come out of isolation and connect with a safe, loving community of inner mastery pioneers who are ready to blaze a trail to the Highest and Best future for all.
The Birthing the New Earth Economy Circle is for coaches, therapists, wellness professionals and conscious business owners who want to fulfil their potential with their work and actualize a Higher, more Prosperous and Loving economic vision for themselves and humanity.
Every month, we do a loving kindness/universal prosperity sharing visualization, explore a rich and impactful inner mastery topic and do a related energy/spiritual healing practice to support transformative shifts for each one of us.
This Circle will take place monthly on Zoom on the following dates:
Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm EST (Winter Solstice Circle);
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST;
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST;
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST;
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST;
Tuesday, May 27, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST;
Tuesday, June 24, 2025 at 7:00 pm EST.
If you're interested in participating, please sign up using the form to the right.
You'll receive notification of the next date and time and the Zoom link for the Circle.
This offer is part of the Spread the Love and Prosperity Campaign.
Read more about the Campaign here.
Here’s what our participants have to say about our monthly gatherings:
“Your circles are such a rich, warm, open, and loving space.”
“I love the sacred container you provide for all of us. I also love the amazing shares and how deep the discussions can take us.”
“This was, indeed, a very juicy topic and a great Circle. Thank you so very much. I really enjoyed listening to some of the other participants!”
“Thank you for a wonderful circle! It is always so uplifting to participate, and it really helped me shift into a better mindset.”
“I get such benefits from doing this work in the presence of others. The synergy is powerful.”
"Thanks for the wonderful Circle tonight. It was amazing and very fulfilling to me."
"Thank you for a wonderful Circle. The Circles affect me deeply. They help me to reset for the month. It's like realigning a wheel!"