Mary C. Davis
Business & Inner Mastery Coach
Empowering Conscious Business Owners to Activate
Their Deepest Wisdom & Creativity for Success & Prosperity

Clarity Sessions
A Clarity Session is a great way to uncover what the real issues are that are causing problems for you, your business or organization. Through the session, we'll chart a path forward for you to the most appropriate, effective and enduring solutions.
If you're 100 % committed to your growth and vision and serious about exploring solutions that can increase your success (while supporting the Spread the Love and Prosperity Campaign), feel free to contact me for one of my Clarity Sessions. Simply review the options below, then click the "Apply for a Session" button and you'll be taken to my contact page, where you can fill in the form with your request.

Success Through Peace and Inspiration™
Mindset Session
This session is for:
Consultants, Coaches, Therapists, Wellness Professionals and other small business owners;
Executive Directors and Managers of not-for-profit organizations;
Corporate Executives and Managers.
How Do You Know If This Session Is For You?
This session is for you if:
you're tired of feeling tense and stressed out physically, mentally and emotionally with your professional challenges and in pursuit of your professional goals;
you're open and ready to commit to a process of learning and practicing a different, more effortless way of "being", solving problems and experiencing achievement and success (you're not looking for a "quick fix"); and
you're ready to value yourself enough to invest in and commit to a process of inner and outer growth and development.
Benefits You'll Receive From the Session
You'll discover what mental, emotional and brainwave pattern(s) are limiting the way you approach problems and pursue your vision and goals for your business or organization.
We'll create a plan to navigate your mental and emotional states, develop clarity and focus and take action from an inspired and peaceful frame of mind.
We'll determine the one step you can take, immediately, to start harnessing and balancing your brainwaves and producing your optimum brainwave pattern, so you can be a more relaxed, creative and effective leader and problem solver.
You'll gain an understanding of how to access your mind's full capacity for success with more ease.
Contact me to find out more. Ten per cent of your investment will support the mission of Water First.
This offer is part of the Spread the Love and Prosperity Campaign. You can find out more about the Campaign here.

Business Success Strategy Session
This session is exclusively for:
Other Wellness Professionals.
How Do You Know If This Session Is For You?
This session is for you if:
you've had a business/practice for a while now, you're confident about the value of what you offer and are bringing in some clients and revenue, but are having challenges with consistently and effectively marketing and enrolling clients;
you're tired of spinning your wheels on your own, staying stuck in the same limiting patterns over and over and feeling overwhelmed and confused about growing your business;
you're ready to make a sincere commitment to yourself and your business vision and feeling worthy and deserving of its fulfillment;
you're ready "step up", "show up" and take inspired action
-- to hold yourself accountable for your part in fulfilling this vision; and
you're ready to value yourself enough to invest in and commit to a process of inner and outer growth and development.
Benefits You'll Receive From the Session
You'll discover what's really holding you back from taking your business/practice to the next level and making more consistent and growing revenue.
We'll create a plan to address these challenges, so you can increase your clientele and revenue, with ease and focus.
We'll determine the first "high impact", inspired action you can take, immediately, to bring in more clients and revenue.
We'll align your mindset and energy with success.
Contact me to find out more. Ten per cent of your investment will support the mission of Water First.
This offer is part of the Spread the Love and Prosperity Campaign. You can find out more about the Campaign here.